Hey everyone! I'm sorry for being MIA for the last couple of months. You know how life is, it picks up. And boy oh boy, mine has certainly picked up! Sit down, grab your drink, and let's talk.
In my last post, I broke down and completely admitted my problem. I swallowed my pride and I said it. I'm lonely. For months, I had been drowning in my own pain and being consumed by it. I was waiting for love to pass me by so I could finally feel completed. I didn't have anyone to cuddle with, no one to share affection towards, and no one to ditch my friends for. As a result of this, I began to create problems that didn't exist in my head. I would indulge myself elsewhere and create a well focused problem to veer my loneliness. In conclusion, I wasn't in the right state of mind. . .
Now, to my readers who read closely at what I was saying in that last paragraph, you'll notice a change in pace. "I would; I wasn't; I didnt." That's all past tense words! That's right everyone, my time has come.
No longer will I be drowning in my own sorrows of loneliness. No longer will I have to be told, "My time will come," Or "He's coming as fast as he can!" And especially, "You can't go looking for him." I had hated being told that stuff, and it had never helped anything. But now, that's over. My time has come, he's finally made it, and I can stop looking for him.
Now I'm sure EVERYONE wants to hear how I met my handsome change of pace! As much as I hated hearing, "You can't go looking for him," ironically enough, I looked for him! It was back towards the end of April where I had my National Honor Society "Passing of the Torch" ceremony where us graduating NHS members were handing off our positions to the following class NHS members.
That day had been a complete blow to me because I had to go get something done for my car, which ALWAYS meant, my dad was coming. Now, I didn't mind too much because my dad is a good heckler, so he could get me a good deal. But in turn, he was around to lecture me and bug me. After we checked some things out, while he was inside, I decided to wipe my car down and when he came out, judgement came along with him.
Of course, he eyed down my outfit and complained that my clothes were way too tight and how I didn't have to follow the crowd. He had been telling me and my brother to be leaders and to create our own style for years, but the second I come up with a style I like, he's got everything to say about it! I brushed it off as I normally do and continued to ask him if I could go to wing night with a couple of friends. As I explained in a previous post, all wing night is is just a cheap dinner with a bunch of broke friends. We all have bills and shit to pay for, so we don't always have money for Red Robin's (Yum!), or chili's! So why not take advantage of a cheap, well cooked dinner?!
He continued with his usual, you always go to wing night, and then lectured me about who I was going with because one of my friends is gay and the rest of them are girls, to which he proceeded to tell me no, I couldn't go. At this point, I was completely infuriated. Not only was I going to the NHS induction ceremony by myself, but I also couldn't go to celebrate this evening with my friends! To see all my peers and the other kids getting worshipped and praised by their parents, I sat alone in on stage, not getting cheered for, and feeling more lonely than ever.
I didn't want to stay for cake and be surrounded by a bunch of people I didn't know or even cared about, so directly after the ceremony, I left and went to wing night anyways to at least catch up with my friends. I joked around with two of my friends from work and explained I couldn't stay long. I soon pointed out three guys in the room who had caught my eye in a joking matter, but I would have pounced on them in a second! This is where things picked up. . .
I knew the one guy I pointed out was the owner, so he was one: too old for me. And two: not gay. But between the other two guys, the one guy really caught my eye. This guy had been everything I had always dreamed in a man! He was blonde, he had pretty blue eyes, a beard, glasses, and had been chunky in all the right places! I couldn't believe it, and I was ogling over him the entire time!
Soon after I told my friends, I believe he looked up at me, to where I did what any smart man would do when they get caught looking. . . Quickly turn away and pretend you weren't staring!!! After we both exchanged a couple of looks, he got up and went to the bathroom. A lot of time passed in between those looks, so I thought nothing of it. He was obviously older than me, and he probably wasn't even gay! I assumed there wasn't much to look at, so he glanced over here. As soon as we seen him disappear into the bathroom, my friends push me to go into the bathroom with him. After a completely ludicrous argument, I finally gave into their pleading and went into the bathroom with him. Whilst in there, I complimented him on his shoes, which he then uttered in the cutest, highest, flamboyant voice, "Thanks!"
I was astonished. I couldn't believe it. I find a handsome guy that I'm attracted to, and he actually turns out to be gay! This excited me, but I still wasn't willing to go talk to him. He was still probably 10 years older than me, so there was no point to me. Then we continued to exchange looks between each other, where I continued to giggle, squeal, and panic like a little school girl. Finally, my friends gave me a push when his friend disappeared, and I thought he saw me; I figured, he's seen me look at him and now getting pushed, might as well! I thought I'd never see him again, and I happened to eat my words when he said, "You're soo cute!" After I extended my offer to take him to dinner.
That night, we texted until midnight, where we made plans to meet for dinner that friday. Five dates later, I had asked him to be my boyfriend and another date after that, he told me yes. Ever since May 2, 2014, I had been a very happy, committed man.
Now we face a new challenge, long distance. But that'll be for another post! Maybe after my first day or week in West Virginia. Until then everyone, take care. And as always,
~Be Breezy~
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