Sunday, August 25, 2013

LGB... What's the last letter?

The other day, I was incredibly disgusted. I was so blatantly shocked this happened to us. I know things like this happen all the time, which doesn't make it ok, but I wasn't expecting that to happen that night. It even escalated to the cops being called... Sit down and let me tell you a story...

The other night, me and a couple of friends went to a gay club in Wilkes-Barre and met a couple of great people and decided to go out afterwards. We had decided to go to McDonalds because it was cheap, down the street, and we were hungry. So we go into McDonald's and meet some more people that came from a different gay club and they ate with us. Soon after the tranny from the club we went to comes in with her friends and a group of guys followed soon after.

So as we sit down we hear the tranny, Selina, scream at them for shouting homophobic slurs to her. She gives them the finger and we really overhear them screaming slurs to her. I get up and stand up to them and tell them to leave her alone and mind their own business. The main guy screams at me telling me to "shut the fuck up you faggot, you probably suck her dick too! You ain't gonna do shit!" I told him I wasn't going to do anything, but just tried reasoning with him. His friends tried to calm him down, but this guy was completely consumed by alcohol. His brother even tries reasoning with him only to end with getting punches in the side of the face.

This did result in us all calling the cops and him getting arrested, but me and my friends were so utterly disgusted. The guys all got away free only with getting DUIs. I was calm outside, but furious on the inside. The whole drive home I couldn't help but relive it all in my head.

He continuously harassed Selina for no reason. Yeah, he was drunk, but that's no excuse. If a guy was drunk and had done that to anyone else, he'd've been arrested. He was drunk, disturbing the public, and he hit his brother! I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for him getting away...

I could've talked to the police. I could've told them what he said. There could've been something that I could've done, but I didn't. I just felt helpless.

I really feel for transgendered people and trannies. I feel bad that they are so misunderstood. I hate that they have to worry about what civilization will do to them today. I hate that they have to be scared to walk down the street at night or even use the bathroom, and apparently even walk into a McDonald's.

I really want to learn more about transgendered people, but a lot of them are too scared to even talk about it, but who could blame them when things like this happen all the time. I hope everyone takes consideration into this post and stands up for anyone when they are being picked on because regardless of what we look like on the outside, we are all people and we all deserve respect. Stay safe everyone. Have a good night.

Monday, August 19, 2013

How come he don't want me man...

Today's episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air actually really touched me this morning. Actually made me cry. I found it super ironic that that episode would come on today and it has never felt as powerful as it did today. I've seen it a thousand times and even knew the next part, but it still got me choked up.

The episode that was playing was the episode where his father comes back into Will's life and asks to be apart of it. Although I claim to hate my father on moalst occasions and  we don't really have a great, or even ok, relationship, I know who he is and he is here in my life. Most people don't have that. My sister never really had that, my cousin never really had that, and some of my closest friends never had that. Some were lucky enough to have a memory of who their dad was; some don't. Some are left wondering who or what their father was and the only knowledge of them they have is whatever bad comments the family makes about him. Most if not all of these deprived people are always left wondering: Why did he leave? When will he be back? Did I do something? Why doesn't he want me? And that was the part that hit me hard.

Ironically, today is my dad's birthday. And even more ironically, he's not here. But that's because him and my mom left for vacation. But this episode reminded me of how things might go when I come out to him. I actually felt the pain that some of these kids go through for a moment and it all just got to me. My dad has said since day one that if we were grown up to make the decision to be gay, then you were grown up to be on your own. He might even just walk out of my life forever. Not wanting to see me over holidays or my kids.

This is just something I can't understand. I ask myself "how could anyone just pack up and leave like that?" I think about it being related to adoption. When in a bad position, you want to give your kids a better life, so you try to give them away to a good family. But that's not what these people are doing. And I say these people because women do it too. These people are leaving their kid behind with one parent. Almost COMPLETELY making it harder for the child to have a good life. With two of them, they had two salaries or so. Now there's one, if that.

I saw Shark Tale again yesterday for the first time in a while. It hit me that Lenny, the vegetarian dolphin dressing shark, was gay. You had to read between the lines a little bit. It first hit me when he was laying on Oscar's(Will Smith) bed and essentially coming out to him. Lenny tells Oscar how he's never told anyone this, but he is a vegetarian. And it immediately all started coming together. How Lenny was scared to tell him because of ridicule, how he was scared to tell his dad because of fear of rejection, how he had a pretty flamboyant voice and acted a little flamboyant, and the clothing. It all just pointed to him being gay. At the end, he ends up telling his dad that he's a vegetarian and how he enjoys dressing like a dolphin and Oscar sticks up for him telling his dad that he should accept his son for who he is instead of trying to turn him into something he's not. And the father accepts him.

I actually thought about showing the movie to my dad in reference to that. I can't help but think why anyone would just leave someone's life just because of that small part of themselves. So I'm gay... So what? I'm also an entertainer, fashionista, hard worker, intelligent, etc. But you choose to focus on the part of me that really has nothing to do with you? You'd really disown me because the person I choose to marry might be a man? How shallow do you sound?

Like I said, me and my dad were never really close anyways, so if he chooses to walk out, I won't chase him. But will it hurt, yeah. Knowing he couldn't accept that little piece of me, sure. It'll hurt for a while. But it'll hurt him too. He'll have to go in through his life as one of those people who left his kids, but he'll be the kind that did it because of me. I won't ever have to wonder why he left either, which will provide me with closure.

Thanks for reading everyone. Big thumbs up to those parents who stuck it out for their kids through the hard times! Let us all remember to just love each other for who we are and never try to change anyone because you don't like a certain part of them. I hope everyone has a great day!

~be breezy~